I'm breaking my tradition of not making New Year's resolutions. I'm going to make one resolution: I'm going to blog at least once a week in 2015. Even if it's just posting an Instagram photo. 

One of the best things of finally having a garden, (besides having the garden) is having birds in the garden. I took these photos through the window (which I need to wash, but there's always tomorrow to do that).

Common chaffinch

European robin
Eurasian blue tit

Bird feeding area
Terrasje bij de stookhut
Kitchen patio 
That's our little stookhut on the right. I'm not sure how to translate it. All the old farms have stookhutjes. People used to do all the cooking and laundry here, on woodfires. Here's a collection on Google


Marvin said…
Hoping you and I both keep our blogging resolve in 2015.
gwen said…
Lets drink to that.